Cherry Fields Farm


The home of Susanah and Roger Benbow, Cherry Fields has been part of Roger’s family farm since 1917.

The small farm of 135 acres is home to 250 breeding ewes as well some 30 horses and ponies. The horses and ponies are kept for the farm’s diversification, Tipton Hall Riding School, named after the main farmhouse as the riding school was established before Cherry Fields was built on 1990.

Roger, along with their daughter Isabel, give horse riding lessons and take out hacks through the glorious countryside at the riding school. Horse riding is a wonderful experience for guests to enjoy.

During the lambing season, guests are welcome to visit the lambing shed, perhaps feed a lamb on the bottle.

"Thank you Tipton Hall Riding school for a great long ride and taking us for a splash through the stream…  I have had so much fun cantering and galloping ."

— Hollie